Volunteering opportunities

These roles are available to any CCL Member. Join up today if you haven’t already!

To apply for a role, please email us: hello@ccl.org.au


National lobbying team 🤝


Our national lobbying team will collectively manage:

  • Influence mapping on lobbying leads, staffers and influencers

  • Build up dossiers on our lobbying leads and their key connections

  • Write up of our lobbying methodology to support local groups

  • Create field reports of successful lobbying, all levels, of all types

Fundraising team 💰❤️


We have multiple roles needed in this team. If you can do one or more of these roles, get in touch!

  • Copy writer: Write ongoing EDMs for direct donor fundraising efforts.

  • Graphic designer: Create beautiful art and photography

  • Relationship manager: Keep in touch with our donors via phone.

  • Grant manager: Identify and apply for small to medium grants.

Advisory council 💭


We’re looking for well-connected, strategically minded leaders in the climate policy world to help us stay connected to and relevant within the broader movement.

Our advisory council will meet once every two months for a two-hour session.


If any of these roles sound like you, email us: hello@ccl.org.au